Welcome to the proposal system for SREcon24 Americas. You are invited to submit multiple proposals if you have material for more than one talk, however, generally only one talk per speaker will be selected.
  • The submission deadline is Tuesday, 2023-10-31 23:59 PT (11-01 06:59 UTC).
  • Decisions will be sent via email by 2023-11-28 and you must confirm your speaking position by 2023-12-15.

Please plan accordingly for holidays and any vacations. We have had excellent talks in past conferences which had to be cut from the program because the speakers did not confirm their availability within the deadline. You can provide alternate email addresses in the proposal form (add as additional contacts) - all addresses will receive the notifications.
Welcome to the SREcon24 Americas submissions site. For general conference information, see https://www.usenix.org/conference/srecon24americas.


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.